How has Cozy PT prepared for the corona virus pandemic?

covid precautions Jan 21, 2021

Since the corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic has affected our communities, Cozy PT has made successful and safe adjustments to our approach on delivering care. Our clinicians are required to ask their patients pre-
screening questions prior to their visits and if visits are able to proceed proper personal protective equipment (PPE) is required for clinicians to wear during the visit.

The pre-screening questions are helpful for the clinician and patient to decide if visits are safe.
Some questions include:
1. Are you experiencing any symptoms currently or within the last 14 days?
a. Fever, chills, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, chest pains, muscle pains, sore throat, loss of taste/smell, congestion, runny nose, vomiting, diarrhea
2. Have you traveled outside of the U.S. in the past 30 days? If so, where?
3. Have you traveled to a city/state where there is a surge of COVID-19 cases?
4. Have you been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19?
a. If so, when was last positive test recorded?
b. Does the positive individual have symptoms?

If a patient answer yes to any of the above, their answers/symptoms are reported to the agency, and further instruction of how to proceed with therapy visits will follow.

Cozy PT requires and supplies all clinicians to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) so that they can
continue to deliver direct-care to patients.
The PPE included are:
1. Mask
2. Gloves
3. Booties
4. Gowns
5. Face shields

Cozy PT Clinicians follow the CDC Guidelines for donning and doffing PPE:


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