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Fitness & Nutrition

Fitness and nutrition is being proactive about your diet and activity level to prevent health problems, allowing you to feel and live healthily. Whether you want to lose weight or building muscle mass, we can guide you and keep you accountable throughout your fitness journey. We believe that everybody is unique in their form and curve, and we will work together to create an individualized plan to achieve your goals.

Fill our Fitness Questionnaire to get started. If you would like to discuss fitness goals or learn more about how Dr. Cindy Zhang can help you improve your lifestyle, contact us today.

We offer 1-on-1 personal training and can be customized to meet your busy schedule in 60 minute, 45 minute, or 30 minute sessions. We also provide online fitness training with step-by-step guidance. In addition, you can also schedule HIPAA regulated virtual online visits with Dr. Zhang for patients who aren’t able to make their visit at one of our office locations.

Dr. Cindy Zhang is an advocate for proper nutrition. Often times, we overlook how important eating healthy is in our daily lives. As the saying goes, “you are what you eat”, is a good reminder for all of us to do our best to eat as healthy as we can. Proper nutrition helps to minimize long term health challenges like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, joint point, osteoporosis. In addition, eating right can help to boost immunity, increase energy, better sleep, and allows you to live a more active lifestyle.

Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, Dr. Cindy Zhang has years of experience coaching individuals on proper nutrition for a healthier lifestyle. As we age, our bodies and our nutritional needs also change. If you would like more information or for a formal consultation, contact us for an appointment.


San Francisco
45 Franklin Street, Suite 203
San Francisco, CA 94102

*Locations are staffed by appointment only


[email protected]


50% Complete

Two Step

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